AF-35-D filling machine in doi-pak

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Additional Info

  • Цена
  • Characteristic

    Power supply, V/Hz




    Installed power, kW




    Pneumatic supply, atm./L.M.




    H/W/L (no more), mm




    Weight (no more), kg




    Thickness of packaging material, microns.




    Packaging material


    multilayer films


    Package dimensions H/W, mm


    height - 180 ... 280, width - 140 ... 240


    Permissible dosage limits, g




    Productivity (kinetic), unit/hour.




    Sealing type of packing seams


    constant heating


    Package store capacity, pcs




    Tracking emergency situations




    Ability to work with a ZIP lock



  • Job description

    The operator places a stack of packages in the accumulator, from where, with the help of a rotary mechanism with vacuum suction cups, the package is extracted and moved to the work area.


    After removing the package to the working area, as well as completing one cycle by all the nodes of the machine, the traverse of the package moving mechanism moves all packages in the working area to the next stage of processing.


    Moved to the position of opening the top, the package is grabbed from both sides by suction cups and stretched. The unsealed top of the package is opened, but in the presence of a closed ZIP-lock, it is bent. Between the bent edges of the top, the grips of the ZIP opening mechanism enter and close. After pinching the edges of the bag, the grips diverge in opposite directions, revealing the ZIP lock, after which the grips open and rise up.


    A cone is lowered into the bag with the open top moved into position. Having reached the bottom of the bag, petals come out of the cone and open the bottom, giving the bag a three-dimensional shape, after which the cone moves to the upper position.


    After opening the bag with the help of a vertical box, the box, falling down, enters the upper part of the fully opened, moved to the filling position with closed flaps. The doors are opened, and the dose of product from the weight dispenser through the receiving funnel and the boxes falls into the bag, after which the box moves to the upper position.


    The next node stretches the top of the bag with special elastic fingers, thereby preparing it for the last operation - sealing the top.


    When the carriages are closed, the welding pads clamp the filled, top-stretched bag moved to the position and weld the top seam of the bag. At the same time as the upper seam of the bag is sealed, the rubber strips are closed and the ZIP-lock is closed.


    Moved to the position of the upper seam welding node, the filled and stretched top bag is clamped with welding pads and the upper seam of the bag is welded. At the same time as the upper seam of the bag is sealed, the rubber strips are closed and the ZIP-lock is closed.


    After opening the welding node of the upper seam, the package falls into the chute and is guided along it into a box or onto a conveyer.


    In the automatic mode of operation of the machine, all drive commands are sent by the controller. Stop the machine in case of running out of empty bags, product in the hopper or emergency situation. Information about the reason for the stop is displayed on the control panel of the machine.

  • Features

    The filling machine of the AF-35-DV series "doy-pack" series is used for the automatic process of packing almost any type of free-flowing products (coffee, tea, spices, salt, sugar, cereals, etc.) into ready-made doy-pack bags.


    Due to the use of a weighing linear doser, this device allows packaging (division into doses) of products into ready-made packages with maximum accuracy. The weighing dispenser of this line has a memory for 15 programs, which facilitates the operator's work from frequent reconfiguration to different products. The packaging unit of this machine allows you to use doi-pak packages of different sizes, specified in those. characteristics. It is possible to manufacture equipment with individual parameters.


    The packaging complex is produced in the AF-35-DV model with modifications of the weight dispenser (1, 2, 3, 4 streams). Model AF-35-DV1 has 1 stream of weighing dispenser with productivity up to 300 units/hour. Model AF-35-DV4, has 4 streams of a weighing dispenser, with a productivity of up to 1200 units/hour. Also, the packer has the possibility of connecting other types of dispensers (weighing combination multi-head, volume screw, volume liquid, volume carousel or belt).

  • Opportunities
    up to 600 units/hour
  • Тип упаковки
    пакет дой-пак
  • Продукция
    сыпучие, жидкие продукты